Fix your cataracts early and get on with your life with standard cataract surgery in Vienna

Discover how this life-changing treatment fixes your cataracts so you can move forward with your life

Fix your cataracts early and get on with your life with standard cataract surgery in Vienna

Discover how this life-changing treatment fixes your cataracts so you can move forward with your life

Standard cataract surgery allows you to continue to enjoy life

Once we‘ve fixed your cataracts you won’t need to worry about your vision getting blurry or yellow

Maintain clear vision free from cataracts

Being told you have a cataract is never fun. But after cataract surgery, this common age-related condition becomes a distant memory. In a matter of moments, we’ll have turned back the clock on your eyes so you can turn back time and eliminate your cataract once and for all.

Feel empowered

Cataracts normally come as an unwelcome reminder that age is catching up with you. This can leave you feeling a little deflated. However, after cataract surgery, patients have never felt more alive. Not only are they over the moon to have addressed a pain point in their life, but they feel confident and empowered, knowing that they can shape the life they want.

Enjoy life the way you want

People in their 50’s and beyond live full and active lives, which doesn’t have to change with age. After cataract surgery, patients can continue to enjoy whichever activity they choose with unclouded vision.

Know that age is just a number

Many people make the mistake of thinking that cataracts are the start of decay and decrepitude. They aren’t. After a quick and straightforward cataract procedure, our patients will tell you that there is a whole new chapter of life to enjoy, full of new adventures, fun, and freedom!.

Standard cataract surgery allows you to continue to enjoy life

Once we‘ve fixed your cataracts you won’t need to worry about your vision getting blurry or yellow

Maintain clear vision free from cataracts

Being told you have a cataract is never fun. But after cataract surgery, this common age-related condition becomes a distant memory. In a matter of moments, we’ll have turned back the clock on your eyes so youwe can turn back time and eliminate your cataract once and for all. can resume life with your favourite pair of glasses.

Feel empowered

Cataracts normally come as an unwelcome reminder that age is catching up with you. This can leave you feeling a little deflated. However, after cataract surgery, patients have never felt more alive. Not only are they over the moon to have addressed a pain point in their life, but they feel confident and empowered, knowing that they can shape the life they want.

Enjoy life the way you want

People in their 50’s and beyond live full and active lives, which doesn’t have to change with age. After cataract surgery, patients can continue to enjoy whichever activity they choose with unclouded vision.

Know that age is just a number

Many people make the mistake of thinking that cataracts are the start of decay and decrepitude. They aren’t.After a quick and straightforward cataract procedure, our patients will tell you that there is a whole new chapter of life to enjoy, full of new adventures, fun, and freedom!.

Have you been told you have cataracts?

See which scenario below sounds most like you to discover your best solution

I’m too young for cataracts but I don’t mind wearing glasses

You got along just fine with your reading glasses but now you’ve been told you have early cataracts.

Find out how to fix your cataracts early so you can resume life with your favourite pair of glasses.

I’m too young for cataracts AND hate my reading glasses

If getting your first pair of reading glasses was a little disheartening, being told you have cataracts can be a real low-blow.

Find out how to fix your cataracts AND use the opportunity to eliminate your need for reading glasses at the same time.

With conventional cataract surgery, patients can stop their vision from deteriorating

Quickly discover how this trusted treatment fixes cataracts so you can continue enjoying life

A cataract is a clouding of the natural lens.

Over time, various age-related processes cause the natural lens to lose its clarity and transparency – a cataract forms.

Due to the clouding of the natural lens, less light falls into the eye, so that vision gradually decreases. Colours fade, contrasts blur, patients are more sensitive to bright light and the change in vision is reflected by the fact that previously suitable visual aids no longer produce a clear image.

The only way to permanently remove cataracts is surgery.

The decision to have an operation is a personal one: some people are hardly bothered by cataracts and others feel extremely constrained. Diagnosis, preliminary examination and consultation with our experienced surgeons help to make the right decision.

Standard cataract surgery is for you if you:

  • Have been diagnosed with cataracts
  • Have visual problems that interfere with your daily activities, such as:
    • vision deterioration, glare or your glasses don’t fit anymore
  • Want better vision to improve your quality of life
  • Standard cataract surgery focuses on removing your cataracts to improve the clarity of the vision.
  • The primary goal with this type of surgery is to achieve a high level of distance vision. We do this by removing the cataract lens and replacing it with an intraocular lens that provides a single focus. You will probably need glasses for mid-range (using a computer) and near vision activities. such as reading and sewing.


We use modern high-quality implants for standard cataract surgery, which have also shown excellent results in scientific studies.

Aspherical intraocular lenses:

The eye is a complex optical system in which various aberrations that cause an image to appear blurred can occur.

Aspherical intraocular lenses have an optimised surface curvature of the lens. They can correct spherical aberrations (i.e., higher order aberrations). This can improve contrast vision – especially in low light conditions.

Correction of the corneal curvature / astigmatism:

15 to 20% of cataract patients have a corneal astigmatism of 1.5 diopters or more. This means that the image is blurred at distance and near without correction by visual aids (glasses, contact lenses).

We have toric intraocular lenses available to correct astigmatism. These can compensate for astigmatism by means of a special optical zone.

During implantation, care must be taken to align the lens exactly along the calculated axis in order to achieve optimal correction of the astigmatism. Sometimes the toric intraocular lens can rotate in the eye after the operation; in this case we can rotate the implant in a small operation.


  • Standard cataract surgery is very successful, with very high patient satisfaction and extremely low complication rates.
  • The procedure takes place in our own modern operating theatre, which offers a more private and familiar environment than a hospital.
  • Refractive errors, such as short-sightedness, long-sightedness or corneal curvature can be corrected with the appropriate intraocular lens.
  • Vision improves immediately after the operation
  • Recovery is typically short and uneventful.


  • Presbyopia remains – glasses for the close-up and the intermediate range (e.g., tablet or computer distance) remain necessary after the operation.
  • After the procedure a slight foreign body sensation or an itch may be felt. This usually disappears within a few days and it can be successfully treated with moistening drops or gel
  • Light sensitivity: It is also quite normal to be temporarily sensitive to light after surgery.
  • Driving is only permitted after an ophthalmological check-up
  • You must avoid:
    •  Rubbing your eyes

In addition, in the first 2 weeks after the procedure:

    • Don’t wear eye make-up
    • No swimming or sauna
    • No gardening

Every surgical intervention involves certain risks. However, these are extremely low in modern cataract surgery. You will be informed about them in detail by our specialists before the treatment. Possible complications are, for example:

During the operation:

  • Injury to a structure in the eye such as the cornea, iris or capsular bag.
    After the operation:
  • Increased intraocular pressure
  • Inflammation in the eye
  • Displacement of the intraocular lens
  • Occasional increased sensitivity to light / glare
  • Shadow or light glare phenomena (dysphotopsia)
  • Swelling of the retina (macular oedema)
  • Opacification of the posterior capsule (posterior cataract)

Many of these undesirable side effects are temporary and easily treatable. If you have any questions or uncertainties, please talk to your specialist.

There is no real alternative to cataract surgery. You cannot treat cataracts with anything other than a surgical procedure. If you do not have your cataracts removed, they will continue to cause your visual acuity and contrast sensitivity to decline gradually.

There are three types of cataract surgery: Standard, lifestyle and laser.

  • Standard cataract surgery – With Standard cataract surgery, we remove the cloudy lens and replace it with a monofocal lens with one focus point. You will need glasses to see clearly at other distances.
  • Lifestyle cataract surgery – With Lifestyle cataract surgery, we remove the cloudy lens and replace it with a multifocal lens to reduce or eliminate your need for glasses for a range of distances. Then a premium lens is implanted (multi-focal, EDOF or EDOF-multifocal), which often makes it possible through multiple focus points to completely live without glasses.
  • Laser cataract surgery – Here important operation steps are taken over by the laser (corneal incisions, opening of the lens capsule, lens dissection, corneal astigmatism correction) and the lens is also replaced by the appropriate artificial lens. Here standard, premium or special femtolaser lenses can be implanted.

Step one: For your comfort we use local anaesthesia in the form of eye drops and light sedation on your request. A small 2.2 mm incision of the cornea is performed by the surgeon using a lancet.

Step two: The lens capsule is opened thereafter and a fine instrument which uses ultrasound vibrations liquifies and aspirates the cloudy lens (Phacoemulsification).

Step 3: Your folded artificial lens (with one focal point) is inserted with a special injector through the small incision into the eye where it unfolds and sits stable in the capsular bag. The incision closes by itself – no sutures are required.

Step 4: After the procedure, the eye is protected by a clear shield. Special eyedrops promote the healing process and prevent infections. The surgery usually takes less than an hour.

After Standard cataract surgery, we will have removed your cataracts completely, and your vision be as unclouded as before.

Your ability to see into the distance will be greatly improved

Other vision disorders will remain, however, and you will need glasses for the close-up and intermediate range to achieve your best possible vision.

Fix your cataracts early and read again without glasses in 3 simple steps

Many people don’t realise they have options when it comes to cataract surgery. We’ll help you make the right choice

Get In Touch

The only way to avoid missing out on this huge opportunity to fix your cataracts AND read again without glasses is to attend an assessment. So give our friendly team a call on 01 3617227, or request a callback to save your spot now.